The Transdisciplinary Imaging Conference at the Intersection between Art, Science and Culture
He could see the tall, peeling yellow building at the periphery of his range of vision. But something about it struck him as strange. A shimmer, an unsteadiness, as if the building faded forward into stability and then retreated into insubstantial uncertainty. An oscillation, each phase lasting a few seconds and then blurring off into its opposite, a fairly regular variability as if an organic pulsation underlay the structure. As if, he thought, it’s alive.
(Phillip K Dick. 1969)

The Fourth International Conference on Transdisciplinary Imaging at the Intersections of Art, Science and Culture 2016 – THE ATEMPORAL IMAGE – is being hosted by i-DAT at Plymouth University in the Roland Levinsky Building located in the heart of Plymouth City. The conference will access a broad range of imaging technologies located on the Plymouth campus, including the Immersive Vision Theatre, the Wolfson Nanomagnetics Laboratory and the Electron Microsopy Centre.

Following a vibrant and successful conference, presenters are invited to submit Full Papers for inclusion in Ubiquity: The Journal of Pervasive Media, published by Intellect Ltd. [free issue here]. Full paper deadline: 10 August 2016 (revised date). Details here:

The Transimage Conference takes place over three days on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd of July 2016.
The Stage 1 Abstract Submissions Deadline is the 29 January 2016 NEW DATE: 21 February 2016 (see Author Guidelines)
The Fourth International Conference on Transdisciplinary Imaging at the Intersections of Art, Science and Culture 2016 – THE ATEMPORAL IMAGE – invites participants for the Conference workshops hosted by the Plymouth Electron Microscopy Centre and the Immersive Vision Theatre on the Plymouth Campus.
A limited number of places, on a fist come basis, are available and participants must be registered with the Transimage Conference first.
The Atemporal Image Transcalar workshops couple the power of the Scanning Electron Microscope to touch the infinitesimally small with the potential of the Full Dome environment to immerse participants in visualisations of the incomprehensibly big.
Our ability to shift scales, from the smallest thing to the largest thing has been described as the ‘transcalar imaginary’ These workshop will enable participants to touch the frozen non-photonic spaces and immerse themselves in data visualisations and sonifications.
The Fourth International Conference on Transdisciplinary Imaging adopts the theme of the ATEMPORAL IMAGE and calls for papers that explore how a new temporality informs and plays out across contemporary visual culture. Participants are asked to address aspects of the atemporal at least one of the following areas:
the still image | the immersive image | the sound as image | hypermediacy and the iconic character of the image | politics of the image and/or image making in a transdisciplinary context| life sciences and bioart in relation to the living image| distributed and networked image | The trans-scalar image(inary), from the nano to the astronomical image | Artificial and computer vision | moving still | image as time, real-time and glitch-time| archival, permanency and immediacy| aesthetics and proliferation of the image
The conference invites papers that respond to the above provocation in areas related to: Media Arts, Painting, Drawing, Curating, Installation, Film, Video, Photography, Computer/data Visualization/sonification, Real-time Imaging, Intelligent Systems and Image Science.
Expanded Conference Theme and Call For Papers.